CIVITAS 2024 Event
Putting an End to Human Trafficking
Tuesday, September 24th

Presented by the Greater Des Moines Rotary Multi-Club Committee 8th Annual Event bringing Rotarians, their guests, and interested citizens together for education and networking.
4:30PM registration, program 5:00PM - 6:45PM
Hilton Garden Inn, 205 S. 64th Street, West Des Moines
Tickets: $25 per person
Open to the Public: a program focused on ending human trafficking throughout greater Des Moines while building momentum for community service. Come learn from some of Iowa's heroes fighting this important issue.
This year, net proceeds will go to fund training for law enforcement officers and their partners in the prevention of human trafficking.
Civitas programming has donated over $70,000 over the years to various nonprofits relative to each year's topic.

4:30 p.m. Registration
Visit booths of non-profits who provide services to help fight human trafficking
5 - 6:45 p.m. Program
Keynote Speaker:
- Dan Nash, Founder, Human Trafficking Training Center
- Brady Carney, Director, Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
- Ray Fiedler, Special Agent, Iowa Department of Public Safety
Q&A Session

6:45 p.m. Network with fellow Rotarians and guests
Heavy hors d´oeuvres and drinks will be served
Bring a guest and attend this Des Moines metro multi-club Rotary event!
Cost: $25/person
Rotary members – RSVP yourselves and your guests through your club.
Members of the public can register by visiting or scanning the QR code.
Both members and the public can donate using the same link.
If you can't attend but would like to donate, please use the same registration link, select get tickets, and then select donation.
Leadership Sponsor:
Rotary Club of Des Moines AM
Service Sponsors:
Rotary Club of Ankeny Noon
Rotary Club of Des Moines
Rotary Club of Waukee
Fellowship Sponsors:
Hy-Vee, Inc.
Rotary Club of Ankeny Evening
Rotary Club of Indianola
Rotary Club of Johnston
Rotary Club of Northwest Des Moines
Rotary Club of West Des Moines
Rotary District 6000
Club Sponsor:
Rotary Club of East Polk County
Graphic design & printing services:
EMC Insurance and EMC Life
Advertising Sponsor:
The Business Record